Kohsin Hong

Images by Toronto artist Kohsin Hong. I love the last one, it makes me think of my office and then I laugh out loud at the cubicle politics. Look at that guy who dropped into the laptop with work frustration! We’ve all been there. I want a print of this to frame for my cubicle, and then if the politics get to be too much I can look at that picture and laugh it off.

Working from home today.

Found via BldgWlf.

Not Quite Spring

1. I am currently obsessed with: Beautiful ladies. It’s easier to stare at a beautiful lady than to stare at a beautiful man, and oh my goodness there are so many beautiful ladies in my city.

2. Today I am: Feeling ghostly.

3. The age I am is: 22, and the age I feel is: Changing… mostly I feel 19, but sometimes I feel 45 and then the other day I went bowling and shared a super lightweight ball with a granny and I felt 65.

4. My favourite place is: transient. No one place can hold my attention or provide enough of something good to really be my favourite place. Maybe my favourite places are the ones I’m dreaming about visiting because in my head they are everything I’m looking for and are full of cheap food and great light.

5. Something I have been procrastinating is: Applying for jobs. I need a new one.

6. The last thing I purchased was: Food and snacks to keep at work for the week. Yesterday was the best lunch ever, dill and lemon tuna on spring mix leaves. It’s great working close to a grocery store.

7. The thing I love most about my home is: the light that comes into my bedroom through the wall of windows. It’s also a great place to people watch because there are wide wooden ledges to sit on and a hundred strangers always passing by. I like the ‘whooshing’ of the huge curtains opening and closing when I pull on the curtain cords. I like my gas stove that is the heart of so many delicious things.

Photo of Koray Duman’s bedroom via sfgirlbybay via The New York Times. Fill in the blank Friday run by The Little Things We Do.

Holiday Alternatives

This is a really neat ‘tree’. I don’t like the idea that you NEED a ‘real’ tree… I don’t like the idea that you NEED to BUY decorations. I don’t like the idea of HAVING to do ANYTHING. But this is a neat, awesome, romantic DIY compromise. Photo via Design for Mankind.

Making love in the afternoon

Sleeping in by accident, a lot a lot a lot of sun coming in my window and listening to this song. It’s a good morning.

Singing along to Simon and Garfunkel songs reminds me of being little and driving around with my brother and sister and dad. Simon and Garfunkel were two of the three cassette tapes we had in the car. My dad will still put them on now and it’s nice because we still know all of the words that we thought we’d forgotten.

Simon & Garfunkel – Cecilia


I hope my next apartment looks like this bright studio/y space. But with a much larger, squishier, nap-inducing couch and a bit more ‘warmth’. I would really like an area that helps me focus on making art, though my whole home would be filled with things of inspiration. Images by Dan Backman, found via Lolita.

Frank decisions

Whenever I walk down the street I pass a magazine shop that carries international issues of all of my lovely indulgences like Lula, Vogue, and Frankie. Lately though (slowly in the last 3 years), my sweet Frankie has been disappearing from shop shelves and giving me a sad face whenever I optimistically try to buy one. Sick of the tease I decided to give myself a VERY early birthday present and finally subscribe. Ah, wonder. Looking forward to seeing you soon my aqueous coated sarcastic cutey of a friend (that always brings me an art poster!).

Also, I am really digging jars right now. I was at a party thrown by a stylish man who had clear jars everywhere holding candles and drinks. That was maybe a year ago? Yeah it kind of affected me, it was so pretty. So I began saving them last week, I have 4 so far. Yay. (First photo via a man’s Flickr all of the rest from weheartit.