Camp Funtime

This weekend I am going to catch up on some sleep… and also have a pre-birthday party… Not sure that those two go together.

During Mardi Gras last week I had made a ‘recession piñata’* at the office but we forgot to use it so I’m bringing it home to hang up to hopefully then be destroyed/eaten on Saturday. Right now I am eating a Blue Raspberry ring pop that I took from the loot before stuffing it. I’m greedy like that.

In other news: I can sort of whistle now (this is BIG BIG NEWS, for me)! I have to pretend that I am blowing on a make-up brush for it to work, but gosh darn-it it works!

Have a great weekend!

Sidenote: we should start using ‘camp funtime’ as some kind of euphemism. As in, “Hey, what did you and Molly get up to this weekend?”, “Not much, just pitched a tent at ‘camp funtime’ and watched The Shawshank Redemption.”

Image of Deborah Harry found posted in Arcade Agency’s News section. Yonge Street Subway Station, 1966, image from the Toronto Archives, via Blog TO.

*A Recession Piñata: is when you make a piñata out of the most basic supplies available. My version was two pieces of paper stapled together to create a sort of pouch which was then reinforced with more paper and more staples, then hung with a string.

Richard Haines

I have such a crush on this drawing. It’s embarrassing.

Richard Haines is a fashion illustrator in New York. He draws what he sees and loves and is inspired by… which I think is the case for any passionate illustrator. Still, he is doing it CONSTANTLY and I hope this inspires me to draw daily. It is so great to see an energetically passionate and friendly character enjoying themselves in the (sometimes very harsh) fashion industry.

Video clip created by Fashion Television.

Pardon my French-Canadian

Hello Dudes!

I am going to Montreal! I am SOOOOOOOOOOOO excited! I am having a really nice day! I haven’t even left yet! I am all packed and waiting for the clock to strike 4 so that I can run to Union Station and hop on a train to Montreal! I’m going to eat a bagel, buy booze at the grocery store, take lots of pictures and get scowls for my awful French accent… if you could even call whatever I am speaking ‘French’.

The justification for the image is… I guess two reasons: 1. I wish it was summer, and 2. It’s pretty and I want it.


Photo via We Heart It.

Update: Just realized I forgot my clutch for New Years, dang. I hate waiting here knowing it’s sitting at home.

Fill in the blank Friday

1. I wish: I could not be afraid of snakes and be able to eat (lots) of cheese.

2. Yesterday I: got tipsy with my roommate while watching ’30 Rock’ and ‘The Office’. We ended up playing her one Christmas 8-track while decorating the living room ceiling with paper snowflakes and stars. It looks really really neat.

3. Today I will: go for drinks and hopefully not freeze to death. I hope our new modem was delivered today so I can go on the internet at home again.

4. Tomorrow I will: eat eggs and then get on a bus to Kitchener-Waterloo for a thrift shopping, home town, present finding weekend.

5. Maybe: I will be able to convince an old friend to join me for hot chocolate while I’m home (Looking at you SC!).

6. Someday I will: remember to pack a lunch.

7. I love: sleepovers, baby animals, girls nights with wine and olives and cheese, my tiny big sister, my tall little brother, thrift hunting, oldies, free food, fancy salads, granny smith apples, sweet potatoes, (I could list food forever)…

What are your weekend plans? Fill in the Blank Fridays by The Little Things we Do.

Monday I don’t care about you


THIS Monday is not so awesome, SO here is a little list of some things I like.

– Cool ranch Doritos (for dinner today)
– My new smartphone (where I am writing this from)
– Future plans (because even if you are cancelled later, I can still look forward to you now)
– Vegetables in the fridge (because i’mma eat you)
– The pink stained fingers and dedication needed to eat a pomegranate.

And one dislike to balance things:
– ‘Rekorderlig’ beer packaging. You seemed delicious and refreshing, but the beer inside of you is not.

That’s my photo yo. That’s my fridge.

Eating! Fill in the blank

1. Today for breakfast I ate: Scrambled eggs, home fries, peameal bacon, toast and OJ. My first brunch at Aunties and Uncles.

2. My go to/never fail recipe: French toast. Anytime.

3. Something I eat that other people think is weird is: Peanut butter sandwiches bits dipped in fruit punch.

4. My worst cooking disaster ever was: Often. Usually I am trying out a new recipe, during a time crunch while I am running late for a pot-luck/picnic/barbecue. It is a stressful but fun kind of challenge. I end up doing a lot of substitutions but they all turn out delicious.

5. If I could only eat one flavor ice cream for the rest of my life it would be: Rolo iceream with chocolate bits, caramel and pecans.

6. One food I hate and avoid at all costs is: Bell peppers… because they hate my stomach back.

7. My favorite meal is: Breakfast! Bread, bacon, sausage, eggs, orange juice, french toast, pancakes, waffles, fruit, waffles, potatoes, need I continue?

Fill in the blanks from The Little Things We Do.